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Hypnotherapy/holistic counseling/lifestyle coaching

Hypnotherapy is a way of accessing the subconscious mind to change unwanted habits,  fears, phobias and deeply programmed belief systems.  I specialize in helping people change their lives by identifying and clearing these belief systems which hold them back from living their best lives. 



Unhealthy patterns can be the result of experiences, peer and authoritarian influence and deep traumas imprinted at a young age without our conscious knowledge. These unconscious beliefs dictate behaviors such as self sabotage, addictions, low self esteem, negative patterns, thoughts and behaviors. 88% of our actions are at the unconscious level, which means our conscious mind is driving our behavior only 12% of the time!   This is a staggering number and explains why it is sometimes so difficult to break through certain "stuck" behaviors. 



I help my clients with many issues including fears, phobias, habit control, low self esteem, weight management, smoking cessation and anything else that holds them back from becoming the best version of themselves possible!




Holistic Counseling works in tandem with Hypnotherapy to assist you to take a deeper look at your life and the operating system that is dominating all of your choices.  My direct, honest yet deeply compassionate approach will guide you into a greater understanding and get to the root of the choices you are making that are sabotaging your success in life.  We will look at the areas where you've chosen to make yourself a victim and how to empower yourself to make better choices. 



We will dive deeper into the shadow to bring light to the darker parts of yourself, this is a necessary step in order for you to feel whole and integrated, there is no other way.  "Repression leads to deviance," pushing away and shoving down what's dark and uncomfortable leads to dysfunctional and unhealthy behavior, everytime.  Through Hypnotherapy we can heal those deeper wounds and anchor new beliefs and positive outcomes for lasting results.. 



By diving deep into this process you will gain the skills to heal yourself and by doing this work, healing your relationships, your beliefs, your perspectives..




Holistic Lifestyle Coaching is the third piece, where I will assist you in making healthier emotional, physical and environmental choices to set you up for success in every area.  We will look at diet, exercise/movement, time for nurturing the self, sleep habits, stress and other lifestyle choices.




When you work with me you will..



  • Be more in alignment with your true purpose

  • Feel more comfortable in your body and develop inner strength and self confidence

  • Feel empowered to set healthy boundaries from a foundation of deep self love and respect

  • Attract and cultivate more powerful and meaningful relationships with yourself and those around you

  • Let go of beliefs and situations that no longer serve your true path  

  • Gain awareness of how to walk through adversity with clarity and strength

  • Make healthier lifestyle choices from a place of worthiness and self love

  • Develop the wisdom to make healthy decisions and use sound judgement

  • Let go of self sabotage and tame your inner critic (ego).




"Shannon is hands down amazing. I went into meeting with her thinking what she did was a bunch of hogwash and why would I need someone like her. I'm fine, I can figure all this out for myself. After my first hour with her I felt 100lbs lighter and realized I needed her! She reaffirmed everything I was feeling, took that voice in my head telling me I wasn't worth my story and made me worth it. She is amazing and I am a true believer that once you heal on the inside and feel good inside you can move on to the transformation of the outside. She is absolutely amazing at what she does, she preaches the truth, listens and talks TO you (not at you like most in her profession) and will help you find your best version of you. I am not only a client but am happy to call Shannon a friend and a mentor!" ~K Cameron





*Phone and skype sessions available

about me.

"There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self." ~Aldous Huxley

In the year 1997 I took a serious look at my life and realized I was living small, I was waking up everyday doing the same thing over and over again and I was miserable.  I began to do some inner healing work with two amazing women, one was a Hypnotherapist and the other, an Acupuncturist. They helped me transform my life and, out of this experience, my passion for personal development and a deep desire to help others was born.


 I attended Hypnotherapy School and received a Master of Hypnotherapy from the Palo Alto School of Hypnotherapy in 2003.  For the past 20 years I have attended countless trainings,  personal development seminars and coaching programs which have helped me tremendously in my life and in my business.  I am a Paul CHEK Level 1 Holistic Lifestyle Coach (HLC 1) and have been trained in Spiritual intuition and Development, which I am also certified to teach. 


In 2006 I decided to take a break from this work and focus on some much needed deeper healing. A few years later I started volunteering in a house who's sole mission was to rehabilitate women who have been through the "system." These women had been through some of the most horrific traumas I have ever heard about, let alone consciously understood as possible.  When they would tell me their stories I could barely wrap my mind around the fact that they were actually sitting in front of me, fully intact, in one piece.  What I came to realize was they were not actually intact, what I could physically "see" was the shell of a person in front of me who was so raw, so hurt and in so much spiritual agony that all I could do most of the time was bear witness to their pain.  It left me feeling profoundly helpless most of the time.


But, what happened for me during this time was extraordinary, because what I was really witnessing was the resilience of some of the most powerful women I would ever meet in my entire life.  These were women who were absolutely willing, no matter how excruciating it would be for them, to dive deep into their healing, despite the odds.  Over and over again I felt humbled by their strength, their vulnerability, their fearlessness, their bravery..  I have such tremendous gratitude for these women who have done everything in their power not to allow their circumstances to define them, they have risen and led the way for true healing on this planet, I am in awe..


This profound experience reconnected me on a very deep level to this work and made me realize how important it is in this world. I understood how many of us truly need someone to guide us, sit with us, be strong for us, hold space for us, bear witness so that we can be allowed to step in to our pain, to our fear, to our sadness and..overcome it.


This experience also reconnected me to a deep knowing that it was time for me to take my own spiritual growth to the next level.  At that point I made a promise to myself that, no matter what it took, I was going to wholeheartedly commit to my own spiritual growth and, commit I did. Since that time, I have done the deepest work I have ever done, I have allowed myself to unfold, get raw, dive in, go deep, get WAY out of my comfort zone and face it ALL.  I have gone into the darkest shadows of my psyche, I've been leveled by fear, gone to the depths of my vulnerability, allowed myself to be truly seen in ways I could have never imagined possible. 


One thing I have learned through this process is that the work is never done, we have come to this planet to grow, evolve, change and we will continue until our last breath..Because of this work, this deep sense of self love, honor and commitment, I am able to hold space for others who are ready to dive in and really do what it takes to become that which they know themselves to be.  I never ask my clients to show up for themselves in a way that I haven't shown up for myself.  


 I truly love the work that I do, it makes me feel alive and incredibly aligned with my purpose on this planet.  It is an honor to witness the spiritual unfolding of those who are ready.. Thank you for allowing me to be of service.






I bow in honor to all of those who are following the call..













Tel: 650.888.6266

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